Laser & Lights
by MedAesthetics

Laser Hair Removal Perth Only The Best Medical Grade Laser Hair Systems – MedAesthetics Perth – Find a Clinic Near You


• Discover the latest, medical-grade laser hair removal platforms
• High-speed & pain-free procedure
• Fewer treatment sessions needed

We now have 6 locations across Perth! It’s never been easier to find a clinic near you.

How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost?

From $100 per treatment depending upon the treatment area

Medaesthetics was one of the very first clinics in WA to offer Laser Hair removal treatment in 2013. At the time, all other cosmetic clinics and beauty salons in Perth only offered IPL Hair removal.

Dr Ehsan Jadoon

Welcome to MedAesthetics

MedAesthetics stands as Perth’s premier boutique cosmetic clinic, distinguished by its exceptional range of services encompassing the full breadth of cosmetic enhancements, laser hair removal solutions, and age-defying treatments. Our offerings extend from cosmetic injectables to advanced dermatological laser therapies and effective fat-reduction procedures.

Pioneering in the cosmetic industry, MedAesthetics was among the inaugural clinics in Perth, Western Australia, to introduce medical-grade Laser Hair Removal under the vigilant oversight of medical professionals, marking a significant milestone in 2013. This innovation underscores our commitment to delivering cutting-edge, safe, and effective treatments to our clientele, solidifying our reputation as a leader in the field of cosmetic excellence.

We now have 6 clinics in Perth: Find one near you!

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Summary

How Many Sessions Are Needed?

A minimum of 5 treatments, 4-6 weeks apart, are usually required.
Some patients with hormonal imbalances, or a genetic predisposition to have stubborn hair follicles, may require more treatments.

Procedure Time

5 to 30 minutes, depending on the body area.

Discomfort Level

Minimal discomfort using our latest generation of medical-grade laser platforms.

Recovery Time

There is generally no downtime other than temporary redness of the treated area.


Results are long-term in most patients.

Maintenance Treatments

Maintenance treatments are recommended based on individual patient’s requirements. These are usually performed once or twice each year. We’ve just opened our 6th cosmetic clinic in Perth, so now it’s easier than ever to find one near you.

Resumption of Usual Activities

Immediately for most light activities.
Avoid strenuous exercise, direct sunlight, and chlorinated water for the first 24 hours.

Laser Hair Removal Overview

How Do Medical Grade Laser Hair Removal Treatments Work?

Laser beams target and destroy the hair follicles under the skin without causing damage or trauma to the surrounding skin. Only the latest generation of medical-grade lasers can do this safely and effectively.

Why Choose MedAesthetics?

At MedAesthetics, we use only the latest, medical-grade laser platforms to perform all laser hair removal treatments. We also have six convenient locations across Perth. Find one near you.

Our Laser Hair Removal Platforms:

Lumenis Lightsheer™Diode Lasers. The Diode laser has a wavelength of 800 nm – 850, which is considered the best in its class to target all hair follicles.

Lightsheer™ Laser has a very large spot size and vacuum suction technology, which is ideal for treating large body areas such as the arms, legs, and back quickly and painlessly.

Alongside Lightsheer Diode™, we also have two other world-renowned Laser hair removal platforms, namely Lutronics Clarity II™, Lightsheer Desire™, Cutera™ XEO with 1064nm wavelength, and Revlite™SI with 1064nm to tackle almost every type of skin. 

The Pain Factor

Our latest generation of high-speed laser platforms offers minimal to no treatment discomfort in most cases.

Our laser has the largest treatment spot sizes available today for covering larger skin areas quickly and effectively.

To ensure your comfort during various procedures, we employ a range of anaesthesia and pain management options, including potent topical numbing creams, inhalation sedation (commonly known as laughing gas), local anaesthesia, and skin-cooling devices, all tailored to make your experience as comfortable and pain-free as possible.

Common medical conditions associated with excess hair growth and related conditions are:

Hirsutism is a medical term for excessive hair growth in women. Hirsutism can be a result of multiple factors, such as Polycystic ovaries (PCOS), and is usually a significant cause of emotional distress and poor self-esteem in those suffering from this disorder.

Hypertrichosis is excessive hair growth over and above the norm based on the age, sex, and race of an individual. In contrast to hirsutism, which is excess hair growth in women, Hypertrichosis can develop all over the body or can be isolated to small patches affecting both men and women. Hypertrichosis may be congenital (present at birth) or acquired (arising later in life).

Folliculitis barbae is a type of folliculitis affecting the bearded area. It is also known as shaving rash or razor bumps. It is a foreign-body inflammatory reaction surrounding ingrown facial hair resulting from shaving.

Folliculitis barbae occurs more commonly in people with curly hair because the curl of the hair means that the sharp pointed end of a recently shaved hair comes out from the skin and re-enters the skin close by, thus irritating it.

After shaving, patients may experience a painful acne-like eruption. The small lesions may be flesh-coloured or red and inflamed. If they become infected, pustules and abscesses may develop.

Potential Risks & Complications

Laser hair removal has some potential risks and complications. Generally, these are transient in nature and heal within a few days.

These include:
• Skin irritation
• Temporary redness and swelling
• Minor burns (rare)
• Hyperpigmentation (in darker skin types)
• Non-responsive skin. Extremely rarely, some people simply do not respond to Laser Hair Removal. Over the past few years, we have seen a handful of such cases.

Note: The above-mentioned risks are higher in the hands of poorly trained clinicians.

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

There is a common misconception that Laser Hair Removal is a permanent treatment.
It is important to understand that Laser Hair Removal results are not permanent. They are long-term.

Laser treatment will destroy most hair follicles, but since the human body is a living structure, it keeps producing fresh body cells, including new hair follicles.

How Many Sessions of Laser Hair Removal Do You Need?

A minimum of 4-5 laser treatments are needed for a 90% reduction in hair follicles in any area. This is because only 20% (approx.) of hair follicles can be effectively targeted in a single treatment session.

• Patients with hormonal disturbances, PCOS (Polycystic Ovaries) often require ongoing maintenance Laser treatments to target newly formed hair follicles produced in the skin.

• Men often need more treatment sessions ongoing basis than women due to the male hormones (testosterone) constantly producing fresh hair follicles.

Lighter color hair is difficult to treat compared to darker-colored hair. This is because the laser energy destroys darker (pigmented) hair more easily.

Why are Laser Hair Removal treatments so cheap at clinics operating out of shopping malls?

Corporate-owned, Franchise Laser Clinics operate solely to generate profits for their investors. The business model they adopt focuses solely on quantity rather than quality. They attract as many customers as possible with cheap promotions and discounts on laser treatments. Customers who opt to go there are then sold other cosmetic treatments and products to achieve the clinic’s profit targets.

Most of these establishments have junior clinical staff with little experience and no direct medical supervision on site. Their job is just to upsell as much as possible, and often this comes at a cost to the unwary customer.  The existence of such clinics is solely to generate big profits and dividends for their investors.

All Laser hair removal treatments at Medaesthetics are performed under medical supervision.

Dr Ehsan Jadoon


It is important to understand that laser treatments which are not medically supervised and are performed at most franchised laser salons, cannot deliver the same level of results and safe clinical outcomes that specialised medical & dermatology clinics like MedAesthetics are able to offer. It is, therefore, vital that you choose your treatment provider based upon their experience and reputation and not just on marketing hype or discount pricing.

Our Laser & Lights Team

As Seen On TV

Potential Risks & Complications

All cosmetic procedures carry potential risks, complications, and treatment limitations. We advise patients to seek independent advice from an independent, appropriately qualified medical doctor before thinking about any type of cosmetic enhancement.


Is laser hair removal effective?

Dermatological Lasers and IPL devices have been at the forefront of Hair Removal treatments globally for the past two decades. Millions of treatments have been performed worldwide and the technology is widely regarded as effective in humans.

Important: Laser hair removal treatment does not cause skin cancers.

What are the risks of laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal has some potential risks and complications. Generally, these are transient in nature and heal within a few days. These include:

Skin irritation
Temporary redness and swelling
Minor burns
Hyperpigmentation of skin (in darker skin types)
These risks are increased when treatments are performed by poorly qualified practitioners using low-grade lasers. Hence it is important to choose the right clinic.

Which body areas can be treated with laser hair removal?

Any hair-bearing area on the human body can we be treated with laser hair removal. Most commonly treated areas are:


Bikini Line (Brazillian)
Facial hair (chin, upper lips, brows, sideburns)

Back (upper & lower)
Front and back of the neck
Back of hands & finers

Are all laser platforms the same?

Laser devices are like motor cars. There are several brands available in the market. From high-end medical-grade lasers built in Europe and the USA to cheap Chinese and Korean machines.

Built-quality of a laser device determines how effective it is. At Medaesthetics, we only use top-of-the-range, medical-grade lasers.

What medical conditions are associated with excess body hair?

Common medical conditions associated with excess hair growth and related conditions are:

Hirsutism is a medical term for excessive hair growth in women. Hirsutism can be a result of multiple factors such as Polycyctic ovaries (PCOS) and is usually a significant cause of emotional distress and poor self-esteem in those suffering from this disorder.

Hypertrichosis is excessive hair growth over and above the norm based on the age, sex and race of an individual. In contrast to hirsutism, which is excess hair growth in women, Hypertrichosis can develop all over the body or can be isolated to small patches affecting both men and women. Hypertrichosis may be congenital (present at birth) or acquired (arising later in life).

Folliculitis barbae is a type of folliculitis affecting the beard area. It is also known as shaving rash or razor bumps. It is a foreign-body inflammatory reaction surrounding ingrown facial hair, which results from shaving.

Folliculitis barbae occurs more commonly in people who have curly hair because the curl of the hair means that sharp pointed end of a recently shaved hair comes out from the skin and re-enters the skin close by.

After shaving, patients may experience a painful acne-like eruption. The small lesions may be flesh-coloured or red and inflamed. If they become infected, pustules and abscesses may develop.

Is Laser hair removal better than IPL hair removal?

In general, Laser hair removal is considered better than IPL hair removal. However, this depends upon the strength (power) and built quality of these machines. Medical-grade IPL platforms such as Lumenis M22™ or Sciton BBL™deliver better results than any non-medical grade Laser platform.

How many laser hair removal sessions do I need?

This varies from person to person. On average, most patients need anywhere between four to eight laser treatments, four to six weeks apart, for upto 95% reduction in hair production.

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

Laser hair removal results are long-lasting but not permanent in some people. No matter what laser platform is used, some patients can regenerate new hair follicles over time and unfortunately, this can not be stopped.

For such patients, we recommend that they come back for touch-up treatments when needed after their initial laser hair removal course.

Why choose Medaesthetics for your laser hair removal treatment?

As mentioned above, at Medaesthetics we only use industry-leading, medical-grade Laser and IPL platforms.

Some of the devices we use are:

Lumenis Lightsheer Diode (810nm and 1064nm)
Lumenis Lightsheer Desire (805nm and 1064nm)
Cutera XEO (1064 NdYag)
Revlite SI (1064nm)
Having a wide range of Laser platforms gives us the ability to effectively treat both lighter and darker skin types. We host the most extensive array of lasers in WA under one roof.

How much does it cost?

In Perth, all Laser hair removal treatments are done by our highly experienced dermal clinicians under the direct medical supervision of our doctors. Pricing starts from $50 per treatment area per session for a small area.