Are Medicare rebates available for upper eyelid lift (Blepharoplasty) in Perth? by Dr. Ehsan Jadoon

Upper Eyelid Lift (also called Upper Blepharoplasty) is a surgical procedure routinely requested by patients wanting to acheive a youthful and aesthetically pleasing eyes in our Perth clinic.

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty can be broadly divided into two catgories:

1) Traditional Blepharoplasty involving excision of part of orbicularis occuli muscle  (thin muscle encircling the eyes) and removal of deeper fat pads.

2) Tissue-sparing blepharoplasty which involves removal of excess eyelid skin only. The deeper structures of the upper eye as mentioned above are not removed, making it a quicker, safer and cost effective option for the right candidate. It is becoming increasingly popular these days.

In our Perth, Sydney and Alice Springs Practices, I often see patients who ask me if Upper eyelid Lift (blepharoplasty) attracts medicare rebates?

To clarify this question, I would like to explain that In Australia, Medicare rebates are applicable only when upper blepharoplaty is performed to improve a patient’s field of vision. Patients in their 60’s and above, the loose skin of upper lids can obscures their outer field of vision and it can be difficult for them to perform certain daily tasks such as driving and can increase the risk of falls. 

Cosmetic Blepharoplasty on the other hand is solely performed to improve facial aesthetics and currently no medicare rebates are applicable in such case. Any clinics offering cosmetic blepharoplasty under Medicare are potentially in breach of medicare rules and regulations. 

I have been performing blepharoplasty surgeries since 2011. These days I perform this surgery in under 60 minutes (I remember my first independent eyelid surgery took me over 3 hours!).

I routinely perform this procedure under local anesthesia alone without the need for Twilight or General Anaesthesia. I like to use CO2 Laser or Radiowave Surgery incision technique when performing this surgery. For wound closure, I like to use nonabsorbable 6.0 sutures as they are very thin and help minimise any infection, localized allergic reaction or scarring. Sutures usually come out on day 8 after the procedure. Initial healing usually takes under 2 weeks. The residual swelling and redness of the incision line improves over the coming weeks. Results of a well performed eyelid surgery last for 10 to 15 years in majority of cases. Potential risks associated with this surgery include:

  1. Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising are common after any facelift surgery, including mini facelifts. These side effects usually subside within a few weeks but can vary from person to person.
  2. Infection: Although rare, infections can occur at the incision sites. Surgeons take precautions to minimize this risk through sterile techniques and antibiotics.
  3. Scarring: While mini facelift incisions are smaller than traditional facelift incisions, scarring is still possible. Skilled surgeons aim to place incisions inconspicuously to minimize visible scarring.
  4. Hematoma: Hematoma is a collection of blood under the skin, and it can occur after surgery. It may require drainage if significant.
  5. Nerve Damage: Temporary numbness or altered sensation in the face is possible due to nerve disruption during surgery. In most cases, this resolves over time, but in rare instances, it can be permanent.
  6. Asymmetry: Achieving perfect symmetry can be challenging in any cosmetic procedure. There may be slight differences in the appearance of each side of the face.
  7. Skin Irregularities: Irregularities in skin texture or contour can occur, particularly if healing is not optimal.
  8. Anesthesia Risks: Anesthesia carries inherent risks, including allergic reactions, adverse reactions to medications, and rare complications.
  9. Unsatisfactory Results: Patient satisfaction with the results can vary. It’s essential to have realistic expectations and communicate your goals clearly with your surgeon.
  10. Revision Surgery: In some cases, patients may require revision surgery to achieve their desired results or address complications.

 It’s crucial to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in mini facelifts, follow all pre and post-operative instructions, and maintain open communication with your surgeon to minimize these risks and ensure the best possible outcome. Additionally, individual factors, such as a patient’s overall health and lifestyle, can influence the likelihood of complications and the recovery process.