VASER® Liposuction
by Dr Jadoon

VASER® Liposuction Perth Surgical Fat Reduction Procedure

Treatment Highlights

• Fat Reduction Surgery
• Targets Fat Deposits Resistant to Exercise & Diet
• Promotes Skin Tightening

Important: Dr. Jadoon now only performs alternative, non-surgical treatments for Fat Reduction, including:

CoolSculpting® (We only use authentic Zeltiq™ CoolSculpting® devices, developed in California, USA)
Venus Legacy Skin Tightening (Pain-Free RF Technology)
Laser Stretch Mark Removal

To learn more about these effective procedures, please view the links above or email or call us.

Liposuction Cost

$5,500 / Area (All Inclusive)

Note: pricing is for general guidelines only and may vary based on the individual’s clinical requirement.

Welcome to MedAesthetics

Award-winning Boutique Cosmetic Clinics.
We provide the entire spectrum of cosmetic and anti-aging treatments, including cosmetic injectablesthread lifts, dermatological lasers, dermal and lip fillersfat reduction treatments and laser hair removal in Perth.

Liposuction is a potential treatment option for anyone wanting to remove excess body fat, which is resistant to exercise and diet.

Dr. Jadoon has performed low-volume Liposuction and Vaser Assisted Liposuction procedures since 2011. With over 12 years of experience, he is substantially experienced in this procedure and the alternative non-surgical options.

Vaser Liposuction does offer better results compared to traditional liposuction, however there are now alternative non-surgical options which can be more suitable.

Dr Ehsan Jadoon

Liposuction Treatment Summary

Patient Suitability

Vaser Liposuction is suitable for all adults with sound physical and mental health and a healthy lifestyle.
Treatment is not suitable for patients who are overweight (obese), have unhealthy lifestyles, poor diets, emotionally volatile personalities, and unrealistic expectations.

Procedure Time

60 to 180 minutes.

Discomfort Level

We aim for minimal discomfort once the treatment area is anaesthetised using a local anaesthetic (tumescent fluid), but this is not guaranteed in all cases. Please talk to us if concerned or research the risks of surgical procedures before embarking on a treatment. Read more

Liposuction Recovery Time

14 days of initial healing.
Up to 3 months of residual swelling.


Results are noticeable instantly but continue to improve over the coming days and weeks as the swelling settles and tissue remodeling happens.

Duration of Results

Long term (as long as the patient maintains a healthy weight and lifestyle).

Resumption of Usual Activities

72 hours of complete rest after the procedure
Light activities such as light house chores are allowed after 72 hours
Walking is allowed after 3- 5 days
Gym and strenuous activities are not allowed for a minimum of 3 weeks

Potential Risks & Complications

Prolonged bruising & swelling
Formation of seroma
Small Scaring at incisional sights
Textural irregularities of skin
Fat embolism
Read more

General Information

Why Consider Liposuction?

Liposuction removes excess fat deposits in the body, which cannot be shifted with exercise or diet. It is important to understand that liposuction is not a weight loss procedure.

Commonly treated areas are:
• Facial slimming
• Chin Reduction / Jawline Definition
• (Upper Back/Neck Region)
• Upper arms
• Chest – Gynecomastia
• Upper & lower abdomen
• Mons Pubis fat reduction
• Flanks
• Upper & lower back
• Inner and outer thighs
• Knees
• Calves and ankles

Difference Between Traditional Liposuction &  Vaser Assisted Liposuction?

The traditional liposuction technique removes unwanted fat manually using liposuction cannulas without any assistance from a machine or device. This is quite a labor-intensive and dated technique. A lot of damage can be sustained by the structures under the skin surrounding the fat, including blood vessels.

The Vaser Lipo is a newer liposuction technique. It is a two-step procedure:

  1. Vaser probes are used under the skin to emit high-frequency ultrasound waves. These ultrasound waves selectively target fat cells without damaging the surrounding structures.
  2. The molten fat is then removed using power-assisted (motorised) Liposuction cannulas.

Power-assisted liposuction (PAL) is a procedure where fine, motorized cannulas (vibrating at high frequency) to remove fat cells under the skin.

Dr. Jadoon combines Vaser Lipo with Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL) when performing Vaser Liposuction. 

Difference Between Liposuction & Liposculpture

Liposuction refers to the method of removing excess fat from problem areas using cannulas. The liposuction technique is used in smaller areas to reshape the female figure or define the male physique.

Will The Fat Return After Liposuction?

Patients are very unlikely to gain weight in the treated area once the fat is removed via liposuction. However, they can gain weight in other body parts.

Liposuction removes existing fat deposits but does not prevent the body from creating new fat cells in the future.

Therefore, maintaining a good diet and a healthy lifestyle is essential after any fat reduction surgery.

Does Liposuction Improve Cellulite?

As a stand-alone procedure, Liposuction does not remove cellulite. It, however, may improve the appearance of cellulite in some patients.

We do offer procedures for cellulite reduction, including Venus Legacy Cellulite Reduction.

Scar Management After Liposuction

The incisional scars after liposuction are barely noticeable and begin to fade quickly within a few weeks.

At MedAesthetics, we have several types of Fractional CO2 Lasers to help reduce any type of scarring, whether related to surgery or trauma. We also use them for eye lift procedures.

Post Surgical Follow Up

Complimentary follow-ups are included for all cosmetic surgery patients until they fully heal.

The Pain Factor

Our highly experienced clinical team does its utmost to minimise any treatment-associated pain or discomfort.

Depending upon the type of procedure being performed, we use high-strength topical numbing cream, inhalation (laughing) gas, local anaesthesia as well as a skin cooling device to make the procedure as tolerable as possible.


As per new AHPRA & Australian Medical Board guidelines, all cosmetic surgery patients will require a referral from a GP to be able to have a cosmetic surgery consultation.

All cosmetic patients will require a psychological assessment to rule out body dysmorphia before undergoing any cosmetic surgery.

Selecting Your Cosmetic Treatment Provider

Choosing to pursue cosmetic treatment is a significant step, often met with apprehension. Identifying a trustworthy clinician, one who not only listens attentively but also deeply understands your concerns, is crucial.

We advise thorough research when selecting your treatment provider, emphasizing the importance of quality and expertise over cost.

Why Opt for MedAesthetics?

Expertise: Our treatments are administered by a team of highly qualified medical doctors, Registered Nurses, and Dermal Clinicians, ensuring comprehensive, collaborative care.

Technology: We utilise modern medical equipment and adhere strictly to the latest treatment protocols for optimal safety and effectiveness.

Patient Education: A core part of our approach involves educating our patients thoroughly about their chosen treatments, discussing potential risks, and guiding them through their decision-making process with transparency and integrity.

MedAesthetics is committed to offering ethical and honest cosmetic medical treatments.

Discover the MedAesthetics difference by getting in touch with us today.

Our Clinical Team

As Seen On TV

Potential Risks & Complications

All cosmetic procedures carry potential risks, complications, and treatment limitations. We advise patients to seek independent advice from an independent, appropriately qualified medical doctor before thinking about any type of cosmetic enhancement.


What Is Vaser Lipo?

As described above, Vaser Liposuction involves the use of cannulas which emit high-frequency ultrasound waves that target fat cells under the skin. Molten fat is then extracted using either the traditional manual liposuction technique or the Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL).

What is 3-D Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL)?

Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL) is a procedure where fine, motorized cannulas (vibrating at high speeds) are used to remove fat cells under the skin.

What is the difference between liposuction and liposculpture?

Liposuction refers to the method of removing excess fat from problem areas using small cannulas. The term liposculpture is more commonly used when liposuction technique is used in smaller areas to reshape the female figure or define the male physique.

Who is the right candidate for any fat reduction procedure?

Any fat reduction procedure is not suitable for someone who does not live a healthy and active lifestyle. Liposuction is a body reshaping procedure. It’s not a weight loss procedure.

What are the risks associated with this surgery?

Like any surgery, liposuction carries some risks. These include:

Delayed healing
Temporary loss of sensation in the treated area
Formation of abscess or seroma
Fat embolism
Under or Over-Correction
Uneven skin texture

What is the downtime associated with this procedure?

up to 3 months to fully heal.

When can I resume work?

This depends upon the body area treated and the amount of fat removed. For smaller areas like chin or inner knees, most patients can resume work within 5 to 7 days. You should not resume heavy exercise for at least two weeks.

When will I see results?

Patients are able to see the fat cells being removed from their bodies right after the surgery. After the procedure is finished, the treated area remains swollen for several days. The final results of the surgery are visible after at least three months.

How long do the results last for?

Results are long-term. However, It is important to maintain a healthy life style and diet after this surgery for long term benefits.

Does the fat come back in other body areas once it’s been removed from one area?

If the patient does not gain weight after liposuction, new fat cells are not formed and there is no issue with fat accumulating in other body areas. However, if the patient gains significant amount of weight, then the newly formed fat has to go somewhere and it may accumulate in other body areas. It is, therefore, important to follow a healthy and active lifestyle to prevent this from happening.

Would there be any visible scars after the procedure?

Incisions performed during liposuction are three to four millimeters in size. After a few months the scars are barely noticeable.

Does liposuction remove cellulite?

As a stand-alone procedure, Liposuction does not remove cellulite. It, however, may improve the appearance of cellulite in some patients.

We do offer two other procedures of cellulite reduction:

– Thermage FLX Skin Tightening and Cellulite reduction.
– Skin dimples reduction surgery.

Will Vaser liposuction stop me from gaining weight in future?

Vaser Liposuction removes the existing fat deposits but cannot stop the body from creating new fat cells in future. It is, therefore, essential to maintain a good diet and a healthy lifestyle after any fat reduction surgery.

What post-operative follow-up is available at Medaesthetics?

We offer one of the best Post-Surgical follow-ups available at no extra cost to the patient until they have fully healed.

Any issues during the healing process are personally reviewed by Dr Jadoon himself. Majority of our patients heal optimally without any complications.

Compression garment. What can I do to ensure I get the best results?

It is essential to wear a tight compression garment after the surgery for at least the first two weeks.
Compression Garment provides essential support to the treated area and helps the body heal optimally in the recovery phase. It also reduces any discomfort during the early days and ensures the skin contracts evenly. It also prevents the formation of seromas.

Do I need to massage the treated area?

We recommend post-liposuction lymphatic drainage massage on a weekly basis to help with the healing. This is commenced once the initial healing has taken place and there is no remaining tenderness in the treated area. Usually two weeks after the surgery.

At Medaesthetics, we offer Velashape deep tissue massage to all liposuction patients.

How much does Vaser Liposuction cost?

Pricing starts from $5,500 for the first area. Subsequent areas cost $3,500 per area. Our prices are inclusive of theatre fees and all other expenses. There is no charge for up to 3 follow-up appointments post-surgery.

Please note: Patients will have to purchase their own compression garment, which generally costs around $150.

In an average adult person weighing up to 60kg, the abdomen classifies as one area.
For adults weighing over 70kg, the upper abdomen is one area, and the lower abdomen is the second area.
Both outer thighs are one area in an average female.
Inner thighs are one area.
Both upper arms are one area.
Both sides of flank fat (aka love handles) are one area.
For those considering chin liposuction, this costs $4,500 and is a stand-alone procedure.

Is facial liposuction safe?

Most cosmetic surgery procedures are safe however there are potential risks and complications as explained above.

Who is a suitable candidate for facial liposuction?

Any adult male or female who is fit and healthy and is able to afford the surgery can opt to undergo this treatment. Most patients wanting this surgery are not happy with their facial appearance either due to having a double chin or a poorly defined jawline or excessively round/ puffy looking face. They want to achieve facial slimming, contouring and a more defined jawline.

Is this procedure better than Fat Dissolving Injections?

Vaser liposuction is the gold standard in removing excess body fat from any given area. There is no other treatment which can match its efficacy. The results are visible within two weeks after the surgery and (unlike Fat-dissolving Injections) there is minimal discomfort in the recovery stage. You only require this procedure once.

Is this procedure similar to Buccal Fat Removal Surgery?

No, this is a separate procedure. Unlike Buccal Fat Removal Surgery which targets the deep fat in the mid-cheek area (on both sides of the lips); the facial liposuction targets subcutaneous fat in:

The lower face
The jawline
Both sides of the face
Double chin and neck area.
Most patients see a more significant improvement in facial slimming and contouring with facial liposuction than what’s achievable with the Buccal Fat Removal Surgery alone. Rarely, these two procedures have to be performed together to get the desired results.