
Registered Nurse, Cosmetic Nurse Trainer


Debbie has recently joined Medaesthetics team as a senior Cosmetic Nurse and Clinical Nurse Trainer. 

Her key areas of interest are advances Cosmetic injectables, thread lifts , dermatological laser therapies and female-specific Cosmetic treatments. 

Debbie Completed her Nursing qualification from Sheffield Halam University in the UK in 2006. She then obtained Postgraduate Diploma in Cosmetic Nursing from AACDS in 2016 and then completed Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. 

Since 2013, Debbie has been working exclusively in the field of Cosmetic Nurse and enjoys a dedicated patient following in WA.

As a senior Cosmetic Nurse, Debbie understands the aging process well and has made thousands of patients feel better about themselves . Over the years, she has built herself a reputation for giving honest advice and performing ethical treatments with natural looking results. 

Treatments Deb has a keen interest in is advanced Cosmetic Injectables, Liquid Face Lift, O-Shot, PDO Threads, Laser Skin Rejuvenation.

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Potential Risks & Complications

All cosmetic procedures carry potential risks, complications, and treatment limitations. We advise patients to seek independent advice from an independent, appropriately qualified medical doctor before thinking about any type of cosmetic enhancement.