Cosmetic Injectables
by MedAesthetics

Anti-Wrinkle Injections Perth Wrinkle Relaxers

Treatment Highlights

• Versatile Applications
• Preventative Benefits
• Immediate Results

Cost of Anti-Wrinkle Injections

$4.50 – $12/Unit
(Depending upon the brand)

We Have A Wide Range of Anti-Aging Options:

Excess Sweating/Hyperhidrosis
Facial Lines & Wrinkles
Facial Slimming
Migraine & Headaches
Teeth Grinding
Trapezius (Shoulder) Slimming

6 Convenient Locations in Perth: Find One Near You

Welcome to MedAesthetics Perth

Perth’s Award-winning Boutique Cosmetic Clinics.
We provide the entire spectrum of cosmetic and anti-aging treatments, including cosmetic injectables, thread lifts, dermatological lasers, dermal and lip fillers, and fat reduction treatments and laser hair removal in Perth.

Anti-wrinkle Injections (aka Wrinkle Relaxers) involve using a natural, purified protein that relaxes wrinkle-causing facial muscles, creating a smooth, rejuvenated, and fresh appearance.

MedAesthetics are Platinum-Plus Cosmetic Injecting Clinics, and have a special interest in all anti-wrinkle treatments and procedures.

Dr Ehsan Jadoon

Treatment Summary – Wrinkle Relaxing Injections

No. of Treatments

Most people opt to have this treatment 3 to 4 times per year.

Procedure Time

Usually between 5 to 10 minutes.

Discomfort Level

Minimal discomfort.
A strong numbing cream is applied to the treatment area before each treatment.

Recovery Time of Wrinkle Relaxing Injections

Minor redness and swelling, which settles within a few minutes.
As with all injectable treatments, there is a risk of bruising at the site of injection.

When Do I See Results

Results are seen within a few days after the treatment.

How Long Do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Last?

The majority of patients get 3 to 4 months out of each treatment.

Resumption of Usual Activities

Immediately for most light activities.
Avoid strenuous exercise for the first 24-48 hours.

General Information – Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Clinical Use of wrinkle-relaxing injections at MedAesthetics Perth includes:

• Softening of Frown Lines
• Softening of Crows Feet (smile lines around eyes)
• Softening of forehead lines
• Softening of neck bands (Platysma Muscle bands)
• Lip flip
• Treatment of Bunny lines and Gummy smile
• Softening of hyperactive chin muscle (mentalis muscle)
• Mouth corner lift (DAO’s)
• Brow reshaping (brow lift)
• Facial slimming (by reducing the bulk of Masseter muscles- Teeth Grinding)

Medical Indications

• Migraines & Tension Headaches
• Excess armpit sweating (Axillary Hyperhidrosis)
• Teeth Grinding (Masseter Muscle)

Age-appropriate Cosmetic Injectables

Over 30% of Cosmetic Injectable patients are in their fifties and above. Patients in this age demographic want to have subtle and natural-looking results. They generally do not want anyone else to know that they have had any treatment done, and they often cannot have much downtime, either.

Under the guidance of Dr Jadoon, all our clinicians are trained to deliver natural-looking results by creating tailored treatment plans.

Gender-appropriate Cosmetic Injectables

Men (in general) do not want to look feminine or overdone after any cosmetic treatment.
Most men just want a fresher and more youthful appearance so they do not look tired or older than their actual age.

The Pain Factor

Our highly experienced clinical team does its utmost to minimize any treatment-associated pain or discomfort. Fine motor skills and a gentle pair of hands are essential assets for any clinician.

Depending on the procedure, we use high-strength topical numbing cream, inhalation (laughing) gas, local anaesthesia, and a skin-cooling device to make the procedure as tolerable as possible.

Cosmetic Treatments and Future Ageing

Many patients ask us what would happen if they ever stopped having cosmetic treatments
such as dermal fillers in the future. Would they look older than their real age, or would
their faces sag?”

The answer is “No”.

Cosmetic treatments address the signs of premature ageing. In younger patients, they enhance facial features. If a patient stops having these treatments in future, the normal ageing process will recommence, and facial features go back to normal. Facial muscles, skin and tissue will not sag or collapse in any way or form.

Dr Ehsan Jadoon


Anti-wrinkle injections are effective, relatively affordable and offer little to no downtime. There are, however, some side effects associated with poorly performed procedures. It is, therefore, vital that you choose your treatment provider based upon their experience and reputation and not just on marketing hype or discount pricing.

Experience the MedAesthetics Difference Yourself by Contacting us Today.


Our Cosmetic Team

As Seen On TV

Potential Risks & Complications

All cosmetic procedures carry potential risks, complications, and treatment limitations. We advise patients to seek independent advice from an independent, appropriately qualified medical doctor before thinking about any type of cosmetic enhancement.


What brand of Anti-wrinkle injections are used at Medaesthetics?

In Australia, we are not allowed to promote or mention the brand of the product as medical professionals.

We use the two most popular brands available in Australia.

Some patients prefer one brand over the other but clinically we find that the treatment dosing of any area is more important than the product brand.

How is the treatment performed at Medaesthetics?

At Medaesthetics we take a few extra measures to make Anti-wrinkle treatments as pain free as possible.

We use a specially formulated, ultra high potency topical numbing cream and a particular vibrational anaesthesia device for all facial injection procedures.
We use specially ordered, ultra-small injecting needles (32G) and gentle injecting techniques. (most other cosmetic clinics use larger 30 or 31G needles as they are cheaper to acquire).
Instead of using normal saline, which most cosmetic clinics use; we use Preserved Saline to reconstitute each vial of the powdered wrinkle relaxers. This eliminates the typical sting associated with the Anti-wrinkle injection treatment.
These measures minimise any discomfort and associated anxiety with the treatment.

We often find that all new patients are pleasantly surprised by our painless injection techniques.

What are Anti-Wrinkle Injections made of?

The substance used as a muscle relaxant in Anti-Wrinkle Injections is a naturally occurring purified protein. It is not a man-made chemical or a snake venom. In Australia, this is a schedule-4 drug, which can only be prescribed by a medical doctor.

How does the treatment work?

Anti-wrinkle Injections work by temporarily relaxing and softening the muscles of facial expressions. This gives a smoother and youthful appearance to the face and helps prevent future expression lines from forming.

Anti-wrinkle Injections are extremely effective in the following areas:

Frown lines
Crows’ feet
Forehead lines
Gummy smile
Bunny lines
Chin crease (Mentalis muscle crease)
Chin dimples ( chin Peau D’Orange)
Relaxing Hyperactive Neckbands (Platysma muscle)
Jawline slimming (Masseter muscle)
Mouth corner lift (DAO muscle)
Non-cosmetic uses of Anti-wrinkle Injections include:

Migraines and cluster headaches
Axillary Hyperhydrosis (Armpit sweating)
Forehead Hyperhydrosis (Forehead sweating)
Softening of Chewing muscles to prevent teeth-grinding.

Are these treatments effective?

The efficacy of Anti-Wrinkle Injections is well established in majority of cases. It is the single most popular cosmetic treatment in the world with millions of treatments performed each year.

How long does the procedure take and is there a follow up?

The initial consultation usually takes a few minutes. The procedure itself takes approximately five to ten minutes only. A follow-up appointment is only required if the treatment has not kicked in properly. We advise all patients to wait for at least two weeks to see the full results.

Is there any downtime?

There is minimal downtime. It is the number one lunch-tIme procedure. Most patients can return to work or normal activities immediately after the treatment.

We recommended that you avoid strenuous exercise, heavy lifting and massaging of the injected area for first 24 hours.

When will I see the results?

The treatment starts to take effect within two to three days. The maximum effect is usually seen after two weeks.

Are there any potential side-effects?

As mentioned above, there are very few side effects associated with Anti-Wrinkle Injections. Most of them are transient in nature. Minor swelling and redness at the injection site usually resolve within the first few minutes. Some people may experience mild, short-term bruising which is easily covered with makeup.

A mild headache after the treatment has also been reported, which can be treated with oral painkillers such as panadol.

In rare cases, the Anti-Wrinkle Injection medication can spread beyond the desired muscle when injected in the frown or forehead region and may cause temporary drooping of the upper eyelid or brow. This is extremely rare in the hands of an experienced injector. It usually resolves within a few weeks.

Any allergic reaction is usually self-limiting and responds well to anti-histamine meds. Risk of an anaphylactic reaction is extremely low.

How long does the results last for?

Results last for three to four months on average. Most patients see us three to four times per year for repeat treatments.

We find that people with a high metabolism, those engaging in rigorous physical activity and/or trying to lose weight and those experiencing any physical or mental stress tend to need more frequent treatments.

Will I look “frozen”?

The aim of Anti-wrinkle treatment is to look refreshed and not to look “frozen” or “stunned”. In the hands of an experienced cosmetic clinician, the results seem natural with appropriate facial expressions still intact.

What can I do to prepare myself for this treatment?

To minimise the possibility of bruising, it is best to avoid anti-inflammatory medication such as aspirin and Nurofen (Ibuprofen), fish oil, green tea, garlic, ginkgo and other herbal products that may thin the blood. These should be stopped at least a week prior to your planned treatment date.

Consumption of alcohol forty-eight hours before your treatment can also cause excessive bleeding and bruising.

How much dosing do I require and what is the cost?

Each patient has individual dosing requirements. This is determined at the initial consultation with our doctors. An average female requires:

-8 to 12 units for the treatment of Crow’s Feet on each side

-18 to 25 units for Frown Lines

-6 to 12 units for the treatment of Forehead Lines.

Males generally require larger doses than females as they have bigger and stronger facial muscles.

Based upon the number of Units used, the approximate treatment cost for various areas is given below:

Frown Lines: $180 to $350
Crow’s Feet: $180 to $350
Forehead Lines: $80 to $150
Jawline slimming/ Teeth grinding (masseter muscle): $250 to $1000
Chin and DAO’s: $80 to $150
Hyperactive Neckbands: $250 to $500
Bunny lines: $60 to $120
Gummy smile: $60
Axillary Hyperhydrosis (Axillary sweating): $800 to $1200 for both armpits depending upon the number of units used.
At Medaesthetics, we routinely run special promos on our most popular cosmetic treatments. To take full advantage and not to miss out, please follow us on Social Media.

What is your “touch-up” policy?

At Medaesthetics, our clients choose us because we offer cosmetic treatments performed by highly experienced and qualified medical professionals. Patients don’t choose us because we are the cheapest on the market or constantly offer discounts.

At Medaesthetics, our clinical team performs thousands of cosmetic injectable treatments each year and the accuracy of our treatment dosing is extremely high.

We offer a complimentary follow-up review two weeks after your treatment. At the time of your review, any touch-up units can be offered at regular unit cost. As per our policy, we do not offer free touch-ups unless there is a clinical indication. This will be determined by your clinician and will require formal approval by the Clinic Manager.

Important: The dosing requirement and longevity of wrinkle relaxers varies from person to person. Patients requiring higher than normal dosing and more frequent top-ups include:

Those with badly sun-damaged thin skin.
Those with a high metabolism.
Those with a very active lifestyle such as fitness athletes, long-distance runners, “gym junkies” etc.
Heavy smokers.
Those who consume excess alcohol on a daily basis.
Those undergoing physical or emotional stress.
Those who want a completely “frozen” look.
Those with budgetary restraints.
We advise patients about other cosmetic and skin rejuvenation treatments which may complement their anti-wrinkle treatment. If you are a person who wants the cheapest possible cosmetic treatments, we respectfully recommend that you choose another clinic.