Cosmetic Injectables
by MedAesthetics

Migraine Treatment Perth Effective Headache / Migraine Treatments

Treatment Highlights

• Effectively treats headaches and migraines
• Minimal discomfort
• Highly experienced injectors

Cost of Anti-Wrinkle Injections for Migraines & Headaches

From $250

Note: Above pricing is for general guidelines only and may vary based on an individual’s clinical requirement.

Welcome to MedAesthetics

Perth’s highly-acclaimed Boutique Cosmetic Clinic.
At MedAesthetics, we offer the entire spectrum of cosmetic and anti-ageing treatments including anti-wrinkle injectionsliposuctionfat freezingnose fillers, laser mole removal, dermatological lasers and thread lifts.

Migraines and other types of headaches are on the rise. We are seeing increasing numbers of patients who are suffering from headaches and are finding oral painkillers ineffective.

Using anti-wrinkle injections (Botulinum Toxin-A) to relax certain muscles in the face, head & neck region can be effective in improving certain headaches including migraines and tension headaches.

In clinical practice, we find that tension headaches and migraines are often associated with psychological stress.

Dr Ehsan Jadoon

Treatment Summary

No. of Treatments

Usually, one treatment is sufficient in most cases.
Some patients may require a touch-up treatment for additional benefit

Procedure Time

Usually 15 minutes.

Discomfort Level

None to very mild.
Most new patients (who have had previous treatments done elsewhere) are pleasantly surprised with our painless injecting skills.

Recovery Time

There is usually no downtime.


Results are noticeable about 1 to 2 weeks after the first treatment.

Duration of Results

Majority of patients get 3 to 4 months out of each treatment.
This depends upon the amount of product used, and the size of the muscles.

Resumption of Usual Activities

Immediately for most light activities.
Avoid strenuous exercise for first 24-48 hours.

General Information – Migraines

Potential Risks & Complications

• Allergic reaction (very rare)
• Temporary bruising and swelling (rare)

Treatment Information

The process starts with careful history taking and clinical evaluation of the patient.

The treatment works by relaxing the muscles in the forehead, and the posterior aspect of the upper neck. 

20 – 60 units of Anti-wrinkle injections may be needed for this treatment to be effective. Patients are asked to give their feedback 4 weeks after the treatment. Sometimes a top-up treatment is needed if the initial treatment did not deliver the desired results.

The Pain Factor

Our highly experienced clinical team do their utmost to minimise any treatment associated pain or discomfort. Having fine motor skills and gentle pair of hands are important assets for any clinician.

Depending upon the type of procedure being performed, we use high-strength topical numbing cream, inhalation (laughing) gas, local anaesthesia as well as skin cooling device to make the procedure as tolerable as possible.

We pay special attention to making all injectable cosmetic treatments as pain-free as possible using specially formulated, high-strength numbing creams, micro-needles, and advanced injecting techniques.

RN Amy


Anti-wrinkle injections are effective, relatively affordable and offer little to no downtime. There are, however, some side effects associated with poorly performed procedures. It is, therefore, vital that you choose your treatment provider based upon their experience and reputation and not just on marketing hype or discount pricing.

How To Choose Your Treatment Provider

We know that the thought of undergoing a cosmetic procedure can be overwhelming for some. And we understand that finding the right clinician, someone you can trust can be a challenge. That’s why we believe it’s important for people to look for a clinician who truly listens to them, and understands their needs and concerns. And who, through their clinical expertise, can deliver results that are both effective and manageable, with minimal discomfort and downtime.

Our advice to all of you is this: take your time, do your research, and don’t just choose the cheapest option you find. Because, as the saying goes, you get what you pay for. And when it comes to your health and appearance, you deserve the best.

Why Choose MedAesthetics?

All treatments are performed by our highly experienced team of medical doctors & Registered Nurses and Dermal Clinicians working together as a team.

We believe in harnessing the power of the latest medical equipment, and in devoting ourselves fully to the protocols that ensure our treatments are safe and effective. We know that patient education is critical, and that our patients must understand the potential risks and consequences of their choices. Only through informed decisions can they truly know what they want.

At MedAesthetics, we do not take lightly the trust that our patients place in us. We pride ourselves on being open, honest, and ethical providers of cosmetic medical treatments, always striving for excellence in all that we do.

Experience the MedAesthetics Difference Yourself by Contacting us Today.


Our Cosmetic Team

As Seen On TV

Potential Risks & Complications

All cosmetic procedures carry potential risks, complications, and treatment limitations. We advise patients to seek independent advice from an independent, appropriately qualified medical doctor before thinking about any type of cosmetic enhancement.