Cosmetic Injectables
by MedAesthetics

Skin Boosters Perth Skin Booster Injections by MedAesthetics

Treatment Highlights

• Instantly rehydrates the skin
• Visibly Noticeable Results
• High Patient Satisfaction Rate

Cost of Skin Boosters

From $500 per treatment

Welcome to MedAesthetics

Perth’s Award-winning Boutique Cosmetic Clinics.
At MedAesthetics, we offer the entire spectrum of cosmetic and anti-ageing treatments including cosmetic injectables, dermatological lasers and fat reduction treatments.

We pay special attention to making all injectable cosmetic treatments as pain-free as possible using specially formulated, high-strength numbing creams, micro-needles, and advanced injecting techniques

RN Amy

What Are Skin Boosters?

Skin Boosters (also called Injectable Moisturisers) are a popular treatment to rejuvenate facial skin by restoring its hydration and stimulating deeper collagen.

The treatment involves injecting special types of dermal fillers in the skin using a micro-injecting technique. 2 to 4 mL of dermal filler gel can be injected in one session.

Treatment Summary – Skin Boosters

No. of Treatments

2 treatment sessions are recommended 4-6 weeks apart.

Procedure Time

15 to 30 minutes.

Discomfort Level

Minimal discomfort once the area is numb. Extra strong numbing cream is used with a local anaesthetic injection.

Recovery Time

Usually there is no downtime in the majority of cases.
Minor redness and swelling which settles within few minutes.
As with all injectable treatment there is a risk of bruising at the site of injection.

How Long Does It Take For Skin Boosters To Work?

Results are noticeable a few days after the treatment.

Duration of Results

12 months.
Smaller, top up treatments can be done to achieve long term benefits.

Resumption of Usual Activities

Immediately for most light activities.
Avoid strenuous exercise for first 48 hours.

General Information – Skin Booster Injections

Potential Risks & Complications

There is minimal risk of serious complications.

• Temporary bruising and localised swelling for a few days (rare)
• Some tenderness in the treated area for a few days (rare)
• Allergic reaction to filler gel (Reversible with filler dissolving injections)

Other Treatment Options To Improve Skin Hydration

• Laser skin rejuvenation
• Bio-Remodelling Injections
• Hydrafacial MD
• Medical Skin Needling

The Pain Factor

At MedAesthetics, our clinical team is dedicated to ensuring the comfort of our patients during every procedure. With their expert fine motor skills and gentle touch, they are equipped to minimize any pain or discomfort associated with treatment.

To create the most pleasant experience possible, we offer a range of options to help alleviate discomfort, including the use of high-strength topical numbing cream, inhalation (laughing) gas, local anesthesia, and skin-cooling devices. Each procedure is personalized to meet the specific needs of the patient so that they feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible.

We believe in a holistic approach to beauty, and that means prioritising the comfort and well-being of our patients.

Many patients ask us that if they ever stopped having cosmetic treatments such as dermal fillers or anti-wrinkle in the future, would they look older than their real age? The answer is “no”. Cosmetic treatments mask (and in some cases reverse) the signs of premature aging and if you happen to stop having these treatments in the future, the normal ageing process will recommence at its natural pace. It won’t be accelerated in any way or form.

Dr Ehsan Jadoon


Skin Boosters are effective, relatively affordable and offer little to no downtime. There are, however, some side effects associated with poorly performed procedures. It is, therefore, vital that you choose your treatment provider based upon their experience and reputation and not just on marketing hype or discount pricing.

How To Choose Your Treatment Provider

The decision to undergo any cosmetic treatment can be quite daunting for some people. It can be tough to find the right clinician who you can trust.

People want to choose a clinician who can listen to them carefully and understand their concerns. Someone whose clinical skills deliver effective and hassle-free results with minimal discomfort or downtime.

We recommend that people should do their due diligence before choosing their treatment provider and not base their decision solely on the cheapest pricing in town. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for.

Why Choose MedAesthetics?

All treatments are performed by our highly experienced team of medical doctors & Registered Nurses and Dermal Clinicians working together as a team.

We use the latest and top-of-the-line medical equipment and pay special attention to our treatment protocols. We devote a lot of time in patient education and make them aware of the potential risks and complications associated with any treatment. This is done to help patients make informed decision before undergoing any treatment.

At MedAesthetics we pride ourselves to be honest and ethical providers of cosmetic medical treatments.

Experience the MedAesthetics Difference Yourself by Contacting us Today.


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Potential Risks & Complications

All cosmetic procedures carry potential risks, complications, and treatment limitations. We advise patients to seek independent advice from an independent, appropriately qualified medical doctor before thinking about any type of cosmetic enhancement.