
What are the Best Treatments for Melasma?

Melasma is common skin condition that occurs in adults. The name comes from melas (Greek word for black) as it refers to the brownish clinical presentation.

What exactly is Melasma?

Melasma is a pigmentary condition affecting both men and women, usually appearing around the age of late 20s to 40s. Melasma presents with dark and light brown coloured patches of pigment on the skin, usually affecting specific areas of the face such as upper lip, eye area, nose and forehead. Melasma often manifests during pregnancy and therefore predominantly affects women however, men can also be affected too.

What causes Melasma to occur?

This condition occurs when there has been a hyperproliferation of melanocytes (pigment producing cells) or the existing melanocytes have produced excess melanin (pigment), therefore creating the discoloured patches.

There are many contributing factors which cause Melasma including pregnancy, imbalanced hormones, medications, sun exposure, and hot climates. Due to the number of both internal and external causes, this condition can be quite challenging to treat.

Which treatments work best for Melasma?

At MedAesthetics, we use a combination of cosmeceutical grade skin care products, laser treatments, and sunscreen to treat and prevent Melasma.

Our most effective treatment for Melasma is our Revlite Laser Facial which uses Photoacoustic Technology Pulse (PTP). This type of laser has a long wavelength that travels deep into the dermal layer of the skin where the pigment resides. Once the laser light has targeted the pigmentation, it breaks down the pigment particles, reducing the discolouration. As this is a non-ablative, non- thermal laser, there is no pain and no downtime associated with the Revlite laser, and it is effective for all skin types.

This skin condition is usually harmless, however there are many people who can find the patches bothersome and seek treatment.

Our dermal therapists will be able to walk you through all you need to know about this procedure. We will also give you tips on skin care and sunscreen use to help protect your skin into the future. There are a number of steps you can take (such as pigment blockers and combating skin stress with antioxidants) that will help prevent a repeat of Melasma.

The key factor to maintaining healthy and clear skin is getting the right advice. Our professionals have years of experience with all different skin types, so you can be sure you are in trusted hands.

Come in to visit our qualified Dermal Therapists for a full consultation to determine if this treatment is suitable for you.