Overview of Acne Scars

The inflammation associated with acne lesions damages the deeper skin layers, leaving various types of scars. In clinical practice, the most common types of Acne scars we treat are:

• Ice-pick scars
• Boxcar scars
• Rolling scars
• Raised scars (Hypertrophic, keloid)
• Hyperpigmentation (darkening) of skin

Acne and associated scars are dermatological conditions. Cosmetic Medical clinics with experienced doctors can safely and effectively treat moderate to deep acne scars.

We routinely see patients who have wasted hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars to have their acne scars treated with little to no results at non-medical beauty salons.

Treatment Options Available At Medaesthetics in Perth for Acne Scars include:
• Fractional CO2 Lasers
• Nano Fat Grafting
• Dermapen Skin Needling
• Subcision
• TCA Cross
• Excision
• Steroid Injections (raised scars)

Personalised Advice at our Perth Clinic

Depending on the severity and type of your acne scars, treatments can differ. The best option is to book a consultation for personalised advice on your options. Call our Perth clinic on (08) 9381 5840 or enquire online for more details.

Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment:

Fractional CO2 laser works on the principle of fractional photothermolysis. This means that it delivers a laser beam that is divided into thousands of tiny columns of treatment zones. These columns penetrate into the skin, creating microscopic injuries in the targeted areas while leaving the surrounding tissue untouched.

Tissue Resurfacing: The fractional CO2 laser helps to resurface the skin by promoting the formation of new collagen and elastin fibers. The micro-injuries stimulate the body’s natural healing process, leading to the replacement of damaged skin with smoother, healthier tissue.

Acne Scar Treatment: In the case of acne scars, the laser can help improve the appearance of both atrophic (indented) and hypertrophic (raised) scars. It can soften the edges of scars, reduce pigmentation, and induce collagen remodeling, which can result in a smoother skin texture.

Procedure: During the procedure, a topical anesthetic may be applied to minimize discomfort. The laser is then applied to the skin, and the energy is delivered in a controlled manner. The depth and density of the laser treatment can be adjusted based on the specific needs of the patient and the type of acne scars being treated.

Recovery: Fractional CO2 laser treatment typically involves some downtime, as the skin needs time to heal. Patients may experience redness, swelling, and peeling during the initial recovery period. It’s crucial to follow post-treatment care instructions, including the use of sun protection, to optimize results and minimize the risk of complications.

Number of Sessions: The number of sessions required depends on the severity of the acne scars and the individual’s response to the treatment. Multiple sessions may be needed, spaced several weeks apart.

Side Effects and Risks: While fractional CO2 laser therapy is generally considered safe, there are potential risks, including infection, scarring, changes in pigmentation, and prolonged redness.

Nano Fat Grafting

Nano fat grafting (also called micro fat grafting) is an innovative cosmetic procedure designed to address acne scars and improve skin texture. This technique involves extracting a small amount of fat from the patient’s own body, processing it into a nanofat form, and then injecting it into the targeted areas with acne scars. The procedure aims to promote skin regeneration, enhance collagen production, and create a smoother complexion. Nano fat grafting is known for its potential to improve the appearance of atrophic acne scars by providing a natural and long-lasting solution.

Skin Needling – Dermapen

Skin needling, also known as microneedling or collagen induction therapy, is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure used to improve the appearance of acne scars. During the treatment, a device with fine needles is used to create controlled micro-injuries in the skin. These micro-injuries stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, promoting the production of collagen and elastin. As the skin heals, it becomes smoother, and the appearance of acne scars is reduced. Skin needling is a popular and effective option for addressing atrophic acne scars, and multiple sessions may be required for optimal results.


Subcision is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat acne scars and improve skin texture. During subcision, a specialized tool is inserted beneath the skin to break the fibrous bands that tether the scarred tissue, allowing the depressed area to lift and create a smoother surface. This technique is particularly effective for treating rolling or atrophic acne scars. Subcision stimulates collagen production, promoting natural skin regeneration. The procedure is generally well-tolerated with minimal downtime.

TCA Cross (50%)

TCA Cross, or Trichloroacetic Acid Cross, is a specialized technique used to treat icepick acne scars, which are deep and narrow scars that resemble small holes in the skin. In this procedure, a high concentration of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is applied directly to each individual icepick scar using a fine-tipped applicator. The acid stimulates collagen production and causes controlled skin injury, encouraging the scar to fill in and blend with the surrounding tissue. TCA Cross is known for its effectiveness in improving the appearance of icepick scars, and multiple sessions may be needed for optimal results.


Excision is a minor surgical procedure used to address certain types of acne scars, particularly those that are deep and well-defined. During the excision process, a dermatologic surgeon removes the scar tissue with a scalpel, and the wound is then closed with stitches. This technique is often employed for treating icepick or boxcar acne scars, providing a more immediate improvement in the appearance of the skin. Excision may result in a linear scar, but the goal is to create a smoother skin surface by removing the existing scar tissue. The procedure requires careful consideration of the scar type and location.

Steriod Injections

Steroid injections, also known as corticosteroid injections, are a dermatological procedure used to reduce the appearance of raised or hypertrophic acne scars. A corticosteroid solution is injected directly into the scar tissue, helping to decrease inflammation and flatten the scar. This treatment is particularly effective for keloid and hypertrophic scars, which are characterized by excess collagen production. Steroid injections can lead to a noticeable improvement in the appearance of the scar over time. Multiple sessions may be required, and the results can vary depending on the individual and the specific characteristics of the scars. Consultation with a dermatologist is necessary to determine if steroid injections are a suitable option for addressing specific acne scar concerns.

Medaesthetics offers the most extensive range of treatments to treat acne scars in Perth.


What is the best treatment to successfully treat Acne Scars?

As mentioned above, there are several types of acne scars and no single treatment can effectively treat all types on its own. At Medaesthetics, we offer the entire spectrum of medical and laser treatments to address any type of acne scars. Most commonly performed treatments are:

TCA Cross (50% TCA)
Skin needling with PRP
Fractional CO2 Laser
Micro Fat Grafting
Dermal Fillers (Temporary improvement)
Combination Therapy

How are acne scars treated at Medaesthetics?

The treatment plan is formulated after a thorough clinical assessment and is based upon the following factors:

Type and severity of scarring
Patient’s medical history
History of any previous treatments for scarring
Patient’s skin type
Patient’s budget and result expectations
Social downtime concern

Here is a brief overview of various treatments:

CO2 Fractional Skin Resurfacing

This is considered the Gold Standard in treating acne scars. It is excellent for improving mild to moderate depth Boxcar and Rolling Scars. It is also good for reducing the size of hypertrophic scars. However, it is not suitable for patients with dark skin as first-line therapy (due to the risk of hyperpigmentation) and not able to completely fix deep scars on its own. Downtime involves five to ten days of redness and peeling.

The treatment takes about 15 minutes. Skin is first anaesthetised using a specially formulated ultra-strong numbing cream for forty minutes. After this, patients feel little to no discomfort. We often combine PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) treatment with this procedure to deliver maximum skin renewal and minimise downtime.

Sublative Radiowave Fractional Skin Resurfacing – eTwo™

The treatment of choice for patients with darker skin, including those of Indian, Asian, Middle Eastern and Hispanic descent. It is less expensive than Laser skin resurfacing and involves less downtime and fewer potential side effects. A minimum of three treatment sessions is needed to see visible results.

This is often combined with deep skin needling and TCA cross to deliver maximum results. Downtime is about five to ten days of redness, swelling and bronzing (temporary brownish discolouration of the skin which may last for a few weeks on rare occasions).


Dermal Fillers:

Soft to medium-soft consistency dermal fillers are injected directly underneath each depressed acne scar to lift it up and make it less noticeable. This treatment offers temporary results which may last between three to eight months.

This treatment is ideal for anyone wanting a quick improvement in their scars with less than three days of downtime.


This is a procedure where the scarred tissue is undermined (released/separated) from the deeper skin layers to help the depressed area “lift up”. Subcision is the treatment of choice for all deep scars where the scarred tissue is tightly attached to the deeper skin layers.

At Medaesthetics, we routinely perform subcision, which is followed by dermal fillers or micro fat grafting and/or fractional laser skin resurfacing. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia and is pain-free once the area is numb. Downtime is three to seven days of redness and swelling.

Subcision with suction:

This technique combines subcision of depressed/ atrophic scars with several sessions of suction applied to the treated area over a period of two to three weeks. This method is only useful for tackling mild to moderate atrophic scars. It is not useful for severe tissue atrophy where micro fat grafting remains the only permanent treatment of choice to replenish tissue loss.

Radio-wave surgery:
A radio-wave device is used to gently reduce the size of any hypertrophic (raised, keloid) scar by ablating the tissue. This procedure is only used to treat large atrophic scars and often combined with steroid injections.

Cortisone (steroid) Injections:
Useful for raised (hypertrophic) acne scars, especially on shoulders, chest and upper back. Up to three treatment sessions are needed, three to four weeks apart.

TCA Cross:
Using a 50% TCA solution. The procedure involves the application of the TCA into every single ice pick acne scar and enlarged pore to close it down by stimulating target skin growth in the treatment area. The procedure is performed after the application of topical anaesthetic cream and is well tolerated by all patients. It takes about 30 minutes to perform. We routinely combine TCA Cross with Full Field and Fractional Skin Resurfacing procedures to deliver optimum results. More than 3 treatment sessions are needed with 6 to 8 weeks interval in-between.

Micro Fat Grafting:
Micro fat grafting is the gold standard in treating deep Rolling and Boxcar type acne scars. In fact, this is the treatment of choice for any skin trauma or condition where localised tissue is lost. Fat is harvested from inner knees or love handles and is gently injected into the skin under the scarred tissue (after submission). Stem Cells found in the fat work amazingly well for rejuvenating the skin. The procedure takes about 90 minutes and has a downtime of about 7 to 10 days of redness and swelling. It is done under local anaesthesia and well tolerated by patients. We routinely combine this procedure with other treatment options to treat deep scars.

Medical Skin Needling:
When it comes to Skin Needling the needle size of at least 2 mm or above is required to improve the appearance mild to medium depth scars. In clinical practice, we find that shorter needle size is usually not effective.

We routinely combine Medical Skin Needling with TCA Cross, PRP and Fractional Lasers to treat all forms of acne scars.

Scar excision and closure:
This procedure is reserved for large scars which fail to respond to all the above treatments. As a last resort, the scarred tissue is excised using very fine scalpel after the area is completely numbed by local anaesthetic. Sutures are placed to close the wound and they stay in for about seven to ten days.

Are the treatments painful?

Most treatments are tolerated well by the patients. We use were high strength topical anesthetic cream and local anesthesia micro-injections to numb the treatment area before each treatment.

What is the downtime associated with each treatment?

This depends upon the size and depth of the scars and the treatment modalities used. We use Ultra-Strong Numbing creams and, if required, local anesthetic injections to numb the skin. Most patients tolerate the treatments extremely well and are pleasantly surprised how little the treatments hurt.

On average, the initial healing phase (where the treated areas of the skin are red and swollen) lasts for the first five to seven days.

Unlike most other clinics (where the entire skin surface is treated with lasers or peels), at Medaesthetics, we only treat the actual scars, leaving the healthy skin alone.

Our CO2 Lasers have adjustable spot sizes to precisely treat each individual scar no matter how big or small. Other treatments we perform, such as TCA Cross, Subcision and Micro-fat grafting also target each individual scar, not the entire skin.

This precise treatment of the scars greatly reduces any discomfort and costs associated with the treatment and significantly reduces the recovery time.

How long does it take to see the results?

In our experience mild to medium acne scars improve significantly within two to three treatment sessions (over a period of three to six months).

Deeper scars may need five or more treatment sessions over a period of twelve to eighteen months for up to 80% improvement.

All treatments performed at Medaesthetics, come with our unique Results-Guarantee if the patient is able to follow the treatment plan we devise.

How much does it cost?

The cost associated with Acne Scar Treatment depends upon the type and extent of the scarring. Each patient is unique and requires a different treatment regimen. This is assessed during the initial consultation with the treating doctor. A treatment is mapped out for each client and the cost can be assessed at this time.

On Average, a single treatment session may cost anywhere between $450 to $2500.

Dr Jadoon works around each patient’s budget and expectations when it comes to formulating any treatment plan.